Electronic payment advice (EPA)

Learn how to get started with electronic payment advice reporting using the emerchantpay Genesis gateway.

Electronic Payment Advice (EPA) is a data format used by card acquirers to provide an electronic overview of all transactions on your card statement. The EPA report offers detailed transaction information and simplifies payment accounting.

Standard and extended EPA reports

You can choose between two types of EPA reports:

  • Standard EPA Report

    Choose the Standard EPA Report for a versatile and comprehensive overview of your transactions. This report is designed for users across various scenarios, including both online payments and point-of-sale transactions.

  • Extended EPA Report

    Choose the Extended EPA Report for transactions where you need detailed insights into Business Attributes or Travel Data. This report includes all the columns present in the Standard Report, with additional ones specific to Business Attributes and Travel Data.

Generate an EPA report

To generate an EPA report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Billing section in the emerchantpay Genesis gateway.
  2. Access the sub-menu Billing Statements.
  3. To export the EPA report, click the Action button on one of the listed billing statement IDs.
  4. Click your preferred download format for the EPA report. Options include CSV, XLS, and XML.
  5. You will be redirected to the Export Files page. Click Download to download the EPA report.
  6. Find your previously downloaded EPA reports under the Exported Files section in the Billing menu.