Electronic Payment Advice (EPA) Reports

Learn how to get started with electronic payment advice reporting using the emerchantpay Genesis gateway.

An Electronic Payment Advice (EPA) report provides a structured, detailed summary of payment transactions processed through your payment gateway. This report simplifies financial reconciliation by offering a clear, electronic snapshot of all transactions.

Why use EPA reports?

✅ Simplify financial reconciliation by mapping transactions to your accounting system.

✅ Reduce reporting errors with an automated, structured overview of payments.

✅ Gain full visibility into fees and settlements, so you always know when and how payments are processed.

Types of EPA Reports: Standard vs. Extended

You can generate two types of EPA reports, depending on your business needs.

Aspect Standard EPA Report Extended EPA Report
Purpose Gives a clear, detailed overview of transactions Businesses that need enhanced transaction details, such as travel or corporate expenses
Who should use it? Businesses processing both online and point-of-sale transactions Businesses using Business Attributes or Travel Data
Applicable to Card Present (CP) or Card Not Present (CNP) transactions? Both CP and CNP transactions Only CNP transactions
Includes Business Attributes? ❌ No ✅ Yes
Includes Travel Data? ❌ No ✅ Yes (e.g., Flight Number, Check-in Date, Vehicle Rental Dates)
Recommended for retail businesses? ✅ Yes ✅ Yes (if using Business Attributes or Travel Data)

How to generate and download EPA reports

Follow these steps to generate and download your EPA report from the emerchantpay Genesis gateway.

  1. Log into Genesis PSP
    Access the emerchantpay Genesis gateway and log into your account.
  2. Go to the Billing Statements Section
    In the main menu, navigate to Billing → Billing Statements.
  3. Find the Relevant Billing Statement
    Locate the Billing Statement ID for the transactions you want to report.
  4. Export the EPA Report
    Click the Action button next to the selected Billing Statement ID.
    Choose your preferred file format: CSV, XLS, or XML.
  5. Download the Report
    After generating the report, you will be redirected to the Exported Files page.
    Click Download to save the EPA report to your device.
  6. Access Previously Downloaded Reports
    To view past reports, go to Billing → Exported Files.

Contents of Standard and Extended EPA Reports

The Standard EPA Report provides basic transaction-level details, while the Extended EPA Report includes additional fields for businesses using advanced data tracking.

📝 Standard EPA Report Fields

The following table explains the fields you will find in a Standard EPA Report.

Field Name Description
Merchant Business name as per the Merchant Service Agreement (MSA)
Terminal The Terminal ID used for processing the transaction
Status Status of the payment transaction (e.g., Approved, Declined)
Usage Description of the payment transaction as provided by you
Currency Processing currency of the transaction
Amount Transaction amount, formatted per currency exponent
Card Holder Name of the cardholder
Card Brand Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, etc.
Card Number The masked credit/debit card number
Country (Billing) Country associated with the customer’s billing address, as provided during the transaction. This may differ from the issuing bank’s country.
State State, province, or region from the billing address, applicable for countries that require this information (e.g., US, Canada, Australia).
DateTime (UTC) Transaction timestamp in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Remote/Local Indicates whether a transaction was declined at the gateway level (Local) or by the acquirer or card scheme (Remote).
ExtendedDate (UTC) Extended timestamp for additional reporting precision
Customer Email Email address associated with the transaction
Merchant Number Unique merchant identification number
BIN Country Country of the issuing bank
Issuing Bank Name Name of the cardholder’s issuing bank
Card Type Credit or debit card type
Card Subtype Specific subtype of the card (e.g., Business, Prepaid)
Descriptor Text that appears on the cardholder’s statement
Region Class Geographic region classification of the transaction
Merchant City City where your business is registered
Transaction Descriptor Additional transaction information displayed to the cardholder
IBAN / Account No Bank account or IBAN associated with the transaction
BIC / SWIFT Code Bank identifier code (BIC) or SWIFT code
Customer Name Name of the customer making the payment
Funds Status Status of funds availability in the account
Date Of Funds Status Date when the funds status was last updated
Payment Type Indicates the category of the transaction based on its processing stage. Common values: “Sale“, “Authorize“, “Authorize3D“, “Refund“, “Chargeback“, etc.
Payment Method Category Classification of the payment method used
Account Holder Name of the person or business holding the account
Billing Transaction ID Unique identifier for the billing transaction
Billing Statement Statement reference for the billing cycle
Gateway Payment gateway through which the transaction was processed
Transaction Type The type of billing transaction, which determines applicable fees. Common values: "Sale Approved", "Sale Declined", "Chargeback", "Authorization Approved", "Authorization Declined", "Refund Approved", etc.
Exchange Rate Applied exchange rate if the transaction involves currency conversion
Billing Currency Currency used for settlement
Billing Amount Amount settled in the billing currency
Transaction Fee Currency Currency in which transaction fees are charged
Transaction Fee Amount Fee amount applied to the transaction
Commission Percent Commission rate applied to the transaction
Commission Amount Total commission charged
Master Account Name Name of the master account associated with the transaction
Interchange Fee A fee charged by card networks (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) for processing the transaction. The fee varies based on transaction type, merchant category, and card type.
Interchange Currency Currency in which the interchange fee is charged
Scheme Fee Fee charged by the payment network (Visa, Mastercard, etc.)
Scheme Fee Currency Currency used for scheme fees
Standard Debit Card Rate Standard fee rate applied to debit card transactions
First Name Customer’s first name
Last Name Customer’s last name
Address 1 Primary billing address line
Address 2 Secondary billing address line (if applicable)
Zip Code Postal code of the billing address
City City associated with the billing address
Unique ID Unique identifier for the transaction
Merchant Transaction ID Unique identifier assigned by the merchant’s system
Type of Payment Specifies whether the transaction is a deposit, a balance payment, or a one-time full payment. Possible values:
  • Balance – The transaction is a final payment in a split purchase. It completes the payment after an initial deposit was made.
  • Deposit – The transaction represents an initial partial payment for a purchase. A balance payment is expected later to complete the full amount.
  • (Empty Value) – The transaction is a one-time, full payment with no deposit or balance due.
Document ID / National ID National identification document number (if applicable)
Auth Code Authorisation code for the transaction
GST Amount Amount of Goods and Services Tax (GST) applied
GST Rate Tax rate applied for GST calculations
VAT Amount Amount of Value Added Tax (VAT) applied
VAT Rate Tax rate applied for VAT calculations
Settlement Billing Statement Billing statement reference for settlement transactions
Settlement Status Indicates whether a transaction has been settled or is pending settlement. Possible values:
  • Delayed – The transaction will be settled in a future billing statement (funds are held).
  • Balance – The transaction was previously delayed and is now being settled.
  • (Empty value) – The transaction was both initiated and settled within the same billing statement.
Settlement Date Date when the transaction was settled
Value Date Date when funds are credited to your account
Reference ID Identifies the original transaction associated with this payment (e.g., the sale related to a refund or chargeback transaction)

📝 Extended EPA Report Additional Fields

The Extended EPA Report contains all the fields from the Standard EPA Report plus additional fields, particularly useful for travel, events, and supplier-based businesses. The following table explains the fields you will find in an Extended EPA Report.

Field Name Description
Event Start Date Start date of an event (for event-based transactions)
Event End Date End date of an event
Event Organizer ID Unique identifier for the event organizer
Event ID Unique identifier for the event itself
Date of Order Date when the transaction was placed
Delivery Date Scheduled delivery date for a product or service
Name of Supplier/Contractor Name of the supplier or contractor
Check-in Date Hotel or accommodation check-in date
Check-out Date Hotel or accommodation check-out date
Travel Agency Name Name of the travel agency processing the transaction
Cruise Start Date Start date of a cruise booking
Cruise End Date End date of a cruise booking
Supplier Name Name of the supplier involved in the transaction
Vehicle Pick-Up Date Date when a rental vehicle is picked up
Vehicle Return Date Date when a rental vehicle is returned
Arrival Date Flight arrival date
Departure Date Flight departure date
Carrier Code Code of the airline or travel carrier
Flight Number Flight number for the transaction
Ticket Number Ticket number for airline bookings
Origin City City where the travel journey starts
Destination City City where the travel journey ends
Travel Operator Name of the travel operator
Contractor Name Name of the contractor involved in the transaction
ATOL Certificate Certificate required for regulated travel bookings