Send a payment link

Accept payments through payment links you send to your customers.

The emerchantpay virtual terminal allows you to generate a payment link you can send to anyone you would like to receive a payment from. Known as Pay by link , with this no-code integration you can securely accept payments without an online storefront.

The virtual terminal generates a payment link that is displayed in a Web Payment Form (WPF), an emerchantpay- hosted payment page .

To send a payment link:

  1. Log in to your Genesis merchant console.
  2. Select Virtual Terminal from the main menu. You will see a list of payment methods and transactions that are enabled for your account.

    emerchantpay Virtual terminal
  3. Select Pay by link in the Virtual Terminal window.
  4. Fill out the fields to generate the payment link. Select one of three options by which to send the payment link:
    • Generate link only — Generates a URL that you can send directly to your customer
    • Send link by Email — Sends the payment link to a specified email address
    • Send link by SMS — Sends the payment link to a specified phone number
  5. Toggle the Transaction types to enable for the payment.
  6. Select Generate/Send payment link.
Your customer will open the link and use your WPF to complete the payment: emerchantpay Web Payment Form (WPF)

Customise the payment form

The payment link that is generated uses the WPF that is configured for your Merchant account to gather your customer’s payment information. To customise the appearance of the payment form, including which fields to display, colours, and your company logo, see Customise your WPF.