Client-side encryption

Encrypt your customer’s sensitive payment information.

Client-side encryption (CSE) allows you to accept payments on your site while encrypting sensitive payment information directly in your customer’s browser. Also known as encryption at source , encrypting customer data at the browser level—the first stage of a payment transaction—results in a lower PCI DSS compliance requirement.

Customer payment information that is encrypted through emerchantpay’s client-side encryption library:

  • Cardholder name
  • Card number
  • Card expiration month
  • Card expiration year
  • CVV/CVC code

To use client-side encryption, integrate emerchantpay’s client-side encryption (CSE) library as part of your payment form. Client-side encryption is only available as part of a server-to-server integration.

After integration, you redirect your customer to your checkout page when they are ready to finalise an order on your website. On your checkout page, you gather and store* your customer’s payment information through a web form, and display the applicable payment methods. You send the payment information to emerchantpay, and emerchantpay securely processes and authenticates this information with the payment institution. After emerchantpay confirms the payment**, you redirect your customer to a payment confirmation page where they can see a summary of their order or any additional steps to follow.

emerchantpay Client-side encryption