Test your direct integration

Test your integration and move to production.

Before you move to the production environment, test your integration to ensure that it works as expected. Then contact your Account Manager to get your production credentials to accept live payments from your customers.

Test your integration

Use an emerchantpay test card to test each payment method you intend to offer to your customers:

  1. Add an item to your cart in your online store.
  2. Proceed to the checkout page and check out.
  3. Enter in one of the test card details:

    Enter the following test card numbers in the checkout screen to test your integration. For the other fields enter:

    • Any cardholder name
    • Any future expiration date
    • A random 3-digit CVV number

    Test card number Card Brand
    4200000000000000 Visa
    5555555555554444 Mastercard
  4. Log in to Genesis.
  5. In the navigation menu, go to Payment transactions.
  6. Verify that the transaction appears at the top of the list and is successful.

Move to production

After you have successfully tested all of the payment methods you intend to offer, you are ready to move to the production environment and accept live payments from your customers.

Contact your emerchantpay Account Manager to get your login credentials for the Genesis production environment.

You are now ready to accept live payments in a direct server-to-server integration.